With an expert nursing team, plus the ability to accommodate hospital beds, lifts and other medical equipment, we provide exceptional care for adults with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other memory issues — including many with complex medical needs. Most residents can stay in our homes from early through late stages without moving to the dementia unit of a skilled nursing home.
We also maintain unusually high staffing levels, which is critical to better memory care. Our caregivers have the time to provide immediate medical and personal care at whatever level an individual requires.

Andrea Schneider, RN

Ann Berning, RN

Katie Ramirez, LPN

Kymberli Johnson, RN

Lynne Sheppard, LPN
Click on a specific service below to learn more about our medical and personal care.
Initial Assessment
The first step to better care
Before you commit to moving to Care Haven, one of our nurses visits your loved one to conduct an assessment. If you or we find that Care Haven isn’t the right place for your loved one, then you pay nothing for the visit. (And if your loved one does move in, it’s covered by your one-time Community Fee.)
Why a clinical assessment? It’s the critical first step toward giving your loved one the best care.
- We start by identifying any health issues, whether or not dementia-related. Because our nurses oversee all your loved one’s care, we must understand every medical condition they’ll monitor.
- We deliver many types of complex care in our homes. However, some people with dementia have medical conditions that require skilled care in a hospital or a similar setting. For this reason, our team carefully considers whether we can deliver your loved one the best care for their needs.
- Additionally, this is when we ask whether you want to include specific doctors, pharmacies or outside healthcare agencies on your loved one’s care team.
- We also discuss your loved one’s non-medical needs, what you expect of their care and whether Care Haven is a fit for your family.
Care Plan
Individualized care
Our staff uses information gathered during the assessment to develop your loved one’s individual healthcare plan. Our Director of Nursing reviews this plan with you before your loved one moves in. Among other things, the plan includes recommendations for
- Diet and medication management
- Continence management
- Physical accommodations that support independence, mobility and safety
- Recreational activities to improve physical and mental health
- Behavioral modifications to reduce confusion, anxiety and agitation
Exceptional dementia & medical care outside a nursing home
Our Director of Nursing sees that we deliver the highest quality care for each resident, even in complex medical situations. She coordinates with everyone in your loved one’s care network. Please get in touch with her whenever you need an update on your loved one’s condition or want to discuss various treatment options.
Care Haven nurses monitor your loved one’s health daily and are available for ’round-the-clock emergency response. Additionally, they supervise our nurse aides as they provide residents with 24-hour care.
In-home Geriatric Care
Regular house calls
Most families decide to transfer the medical care of their loved ones to the geriatricians who visit our homes. No need to worry about stressful trips to an office or hospital — address Mom’s routine medical needs with regular exams in the privacy of her room. (The doctor’s office bills visits to her insurance.) Between “house calls,” our nurses update the doctor and alert them to changes in your loved one’s health.
On the other hand, you may want to continue with your family doctor. In that case, we’ll help arrange transport for office visits within Johnson County or the surrounding area. (Cost depends on the service requested and is the resident or family’s responsibility.) With your permission, our nurses notify your doctor of changes in your loved one’s medical status. They’ll also discuss and coordinate necessary modifications to the care plan.
Medication Management
On time, as prescribed
As every family caregiver knows, managing a senior’s medications is complicated. In fact, it’s one of the first tasks our nurses address when developing your loved one’s care plan.
Do you run out of time to handle your loved one’s refills and pick up their prescriptions? We’d be happy to help. Just authorize us to coordinate with the pharmacy that delivers meds to all our homes. You won’t be charged delivery fees; the medication cost is billed directly to the resident’s insurance.
And, of course, we handle dispensing all medications in our homes, which is why we staff each house with at least one Certified Medical Aide (CMA) per shift. Our CMAs give medications (1) as prescribed by a doctor and (2) according to procedures carefully developed by our nurses. Additionally, one of our nurses is available round-the-clock should medication concerns arise.
Of course, we do more than ensure residents take the right pill at the right time. We also see that a licensed pharmacist reviews each resident’s drug regimen quarterly. This helps the care team determine whether a resident’s medications provide the expected benefits or need adjusting to prevent potential harmful effects. Just one more way your loved one receives excellent dementia and medical care outside a nursing home setting.
Continence Management
With compassion & respect
Many families worry that incontinence will be problematic when arranging for a loved one’s care. So we’ll speak frankly.
The loss of bladder or bowel control is common in seniors past the early stages of dementia and those struggling with mobility. At Care Haven, we know that incontinence is a symptom of other health issues: weak pelvic muscles, immobility, neurological conditions, constipation, dehydration or medication side effects, among others. We manage incontinence as we would any other health concern, with
- Staffing and scheduling that permit close attention to an individual’s toileting needs
- A small setting where residents quickly find their way to the bathroom, and caregivers easily recognize when someone needs help
- Removal of unnecessary physical obstacles to toileting, like clothes that are hard to remove quickly
- Careful attention to changes in diet and medication
- Close monitoring for early signs of constipation or urinary tract infections
- Professional expertise in continence management techniques
- Preservation of each resident’s comfort and dignity
A resident’s family may supply disposable products for continence management. You instead can have us arrange the purchase, delivery and maintenance of a supply of adult briefs and wipes based on your loved one’s needs. We add the cost of supplies to your monthly statement.
Good for you — tastes good, too!
We pride ourselves on our delicious, home-cooked meals. Because we understand that residents must eat well to stay well — and they won’t eat what they don’t like — we serve many of their family favorites. We even stock special treats to brighten an otherwise difficult day.
While we serve popular comfort food, we work behind the scenes to modify recipes to make them healthier and meet residents’ dietary restrictions. We also keep individuals’ needs in mind, preparing a separate plate for each at our family-style table – preserving everyone’s independence as much as possible, assisting whenever needed. During your loved one’s assessment, we can discuss the broad range of diets we can accommodate, including low sodium, reduced sugar, thickened liquids and pureed foods.
We believe that time spent with residents at mealtime is a significant investment in their health and happiness. Eating together in a relaxed environment discourages the extreme eating behaviors of some dementias. It also presents opportunities to bolster our residents’ confidence and social relationships, which is why caregivers encourage pleasant conversation at the table.
Outside Health Agencies
Therapy & diagnostic testing at home
Many residents require ongoing physical, occupational or speech and language therapy. Others occasionally need lab work, x-rays or another diagnostic testing. Traveling to a strange clinic or hospital is stressful and confusing for anyone, much less than for someone with dementia. Whenever possible, we recommend that residents undergo therapy or testing in the familiar surroundings of their Care Haven homes.
Our nurses liaise with the doctors who order various types of therapy and the home health care agencies that perform them. We work with many agencies and are happy to coordinate services with the provider of your choice.
A visiting lab company provides both regular and intermittent services to our homes. Technicians make draws in the privacy of a resident’s room. The results are delivered to our Director of Nursing and the ordering physician. The lab bills costs to the resident or the resident’s insurance.
Supplementing personalized dementia care with the specialized services of outside health agencies — yet another way we help residents avoid moving to a skilled nursing home.
Happy feet
As we age, problems with the feet often signal the onset of severe medical conditions. For that reason, we arrange for a podiatrist to conduct regular clinics in our homes.
Let us know if you’d like your loved one to attend. The doctor bills either the resident or their insurance.
Dental Services
At ease
Dental care is essential at any age — but especially as we age. A good hygienist can head off problems caused by decay, gum disease, ill-fitting dentures, medication side effects, infection and bacterial or fungal disease.
Unchecked, poor dental health can cause or aggravate severe medical conditions, including
- Loss of appetite and eating disorders
- Osteoporosis
- Diabetes
- Cancer
- Heart disease and stroke.
(For more information, see The Mayo Clinic’s website and Web MD.)
A visit to the dentist is a challenge for many people. It can be especially frightening to those dealing with dementia.
To provide comforting dental care, we have partnered with a hygienist skilled at working with people with Alzheimer’s. She regularly brings a complete, traveling exam room into each of our homes. Visits are billed to the resident.
Hospice Care
Better end-of-life dementia care outside a nursing home
Because familiar settings always are more comforting, we recommend residents remain in our homes for end-of-life care rather than move to skilled care facilities.
Our staff understands how to care for those with advanced Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other forms of dementia. We’re equipped to provide for their medical and personal needs. More important,
- We soothe residents to make the most of their remaining time with friends and relatives.
- We make our families feel at home in peaceful surroundings.
- Of course, we continue providing the warmth, kindness and comforts of a loving home instead of an institutional environment.
- Our staff’s careful attention occasionally prevents an upsetting crisis, even extending a resident’s days – e.g., by discovering and addressing infections or other problems before they become life-threatening.
When the time comes, we suggest adding a hospice provider to your loved one’s care team. Hospice offers specialized services to relieve pain and address a person’s emotional or spiritual needs at the end of life. Its prioritizes comfort, quality of life and honoring your loved one’s wishes for a dignified death.
To receive hospice services, commonly covered by Medicare and private insurance plans, a doctor must certify that a person’s life expectancy is six months or less. Furthermore, you agree to accept comforting care rather than treatments to cure your illness. Our nurses liaise with the prescribing physician and an expanded care team of the hospice’s specially trained providers, including doctors, nurses and aides, social workers, counselors, clergy and volunteers.
We work with many hospices and are happy to coordinate services with the provider of your choice. If your loved one is admitted to a particular hospice before moving into our homes, we’re glad to add them to the care team. We also can introduce families to area providers when current residents become eligible for hospice.
Personal Care
Personal pride
Our residents receive close, personal attention as we assist them with bathing, dressing and grooming. They – and their families – should be proud of their appearance.
We also provide laundry and housekeeping services to ensure your loved one’s clothing and home remain clean, safe and attractive.
Finally, a licensed, professional hair stylist visits our homes on a regular schedule. Residents may schedule appointments for cuts, trims, color and perms. The expense depends on the service requested and is paid by the resident or family.
Note: Certain medical and personal services may result in additional charges. Please message, text or call for a full description.